Thursday, June 12, 2008

Brave New World

I subscribe to a really interesting daily newsletter called KidScreen Magazine.  I learned about it at a Children's Ministry Conference a few years ago and love the way it keeps me updated on new trends, products, and issues that are affecting kids and teenagers worldwide.

I read some really interesting articles in an issue the other day that gave some great insight to a generation that I'm not that far from in age, but in some ways are light years apart.

This first article talks about how Japan is actually looking at setting legal limits on child cell phone use.  It talks about how much kids are using their phones as mini-computers and how it could be detrimental to their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.  The second took another look at the virtual worlds that are so pervasive suggesting that they can be as normal as hanging out at the mall.  

What are some other thoughts on these trends?  How do you think it impacts church and ministry to these age groups and to ministry in general as they grow up?


The Hedden Family said...

You should also check out the Center for Parent Youth Understanding ( Good stuff, although scares me a little for what I have coming. :)

Anonymous said...

I worked at Jumonville when I was at college as a camp ocunselor, and I still lead a week of camp as a volunteer each summer. At our annual traning, they said the camping trend across the U.S. is this: Parents are sending their kids to camp with not one, but TWO cell phones. The 2nd one is a back-up when the 1st one is confiscated, due to No Cell Phone rules. I was amazed!