Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Only 16 More!

So I got back from working out tonight. Tried a class for the second time called "Butt Kickin' Boot Camp." The class runs just like it sounds.

It's taught by this instructor that has to have negative body fat. The woman is a workout machine!!!! I knew I was in trouble when my body felt like it was going to collapse from fatigue and she'd say, "You're doing great! Only 16 more to go!" Sixteen?!? Please don't tell me how many more are left if we are anything over three. Ignorance is bliss.

So as I was in the middle of this class, pretty sure I was going to die before the end, and this thought came into my mind, "What kind of sick masochist am I?!?" I choose to subject myself to painful torture, no, I actually PAY money to subject myself to painful torture, then I come back again a second time, and at the end of the whole ordeal, I feel obligated to thank my torturer before I leave.

Sick system, isn't it? And yet, I'll choose to do it all over again tomorrow. Only 16 more to go!

1 comment:

jennifer joy staab said...

just think about all the money you are paying to not sleep in order to finish writing review about movies that no one will ever read...