Friday, April 13, 2007

Fish's Mouth

I woke up this morning feeling worse than ever. I tried to sleep off my sickness, felt a little better, and then felt compelled to file my taxes. (That's a great way to feel better, huh?) Yep, I'm officially that girl who waits until the tax deadline to file.

As I was scratching my head trying to find the 753rd form that I was supposed to have (or at least close to it), I thought of how glorious it must have been to be able to pull a coin out of a fish's mouth and just turn that in (Matt. 17:37). No forms. No tax schedules. Just a coin and a fish.

To technology's credit, I do have to say that living in a world with 11 page tax forms made me very happy for online filing and all the extra little helps that they try and provide for procrastinators like myself. :-) I wonder how Jesus would have listed His payment on His tax form: credit card, bank account, check or money order . . . nope. He'd have to check "Other: Fish." How would the IRS have liked that?

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