Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Literal God

Isn't it funny how literally God can take us sometimes?

I've learned to be very careful about ever saying, "I will never . . ." as well as praying for things like humility. God usually has a funny way of answering those kinds of prayers. And He did just that earlier this week.

I reread my blog entry from Sunday night, especially focusing on my last sentence, "As I venture into this new week, I certainly have a schedule to follow, but tonight I choose to submit it for rewriting, trusting even my seeming disorientation to be guided by One more knowledgeable than I." God took me up on this prayer the next day, and I'm not really sure how I did.

I had just finished working out and walked into a coffee shop to start my work for the day. I was getting in the zone, preparing for productivity. As I went to order my drink, I smiled at a nicely dressed lady headed my way. She smiled back and began talking to me very rapidly, handing me a flyer about an upcoming program at her church about Jesus, open to kids and families and encouraging me to come. It didn't take long for me to glance over the flyer in the midst of her cordial dissertation to see the name of her church, a local Kingdom Hall of the Jehovah's Witnesses.

All I could think was, "I just blogged about this! God, what do you want me to do?!?" And in that moment, as I was desperately asking the Holy Spirit to give me the right thing to say or do or share that would allow me to share the Truth of God's Salvation to this woman, she finished talking and all I could say was, "Thanks."

I know. You wanted some profound testimony of an eternity-altering altercation at a coffee shop. Me too. And all I have is, "Thanks," and a pleasant, "Happy Easter," before she left.

I really prayed during the entire time she was there asking God if there was something more I should do or say, and yet I didn't really sense a leading to do so. Maybe I missed something. Maybe that's all God wanted for that lady in that moment.

Either way, the situation was like a splash of cold water in my face, awakening me to the reality of the world I live in everyday. Every time I enter a coffee shop or gym or grocery store I'm interacting w/ people who are going to spend their eternities apart from God and more often than not, I don't even think about it. I confess that earlier this week, I was spending more time concerned about having enough people staffed in each KiDZ room during the Easter services than I was concerned about the actual people who would come.

I've continued to pray for my Cafe Latte encounter and ask that the Holy Spirit would not let me forget the passions of His heart as I go through the moments, big and small, in each day He gives me.


matt said...

You sincere person, you missed it. God was giving you direction and you ignored it. Why did you not go to the meeting she invited you to? No action was required at that moment is why you were not 'moved'.

Anonymous said...

This is the quote I was talking about on Monday the second paragraph.

Great thought!

Loved getting to know you. Looking forward to more of that.