Thursday, July 24, 2008

Threads Latest

Here's the latest Quarterlife article if you care to read it. It focuses on the job search of a quarterlifer. Thanks to Threads Media for the opportunity to write. Enjoy! :-)


kim said...

you really are one of the coolest people i know...and your published articles are beautifully written, friend! write on...;)

Rachel Sarah said...

Excellent article... you are a superb writer. This quarterlife crisis phenomenen of recent decades seems to be directly linked to a lack of relationship with Father... a serious culture crisis. You are so right - everything in life & living stems from that relationship, or lack there of. The answers to ALL life's questions are in Him. It would be an interesting research project to search for that turning point in history to help us understand where we are today - perhaps the 50s/60s? perhaps earlier?