Saturday, January 31, 2009

Over the Hump!!!!

I distinctly remember when I was little and my mom would come to wake us up for school (alarm clocks never seemed to work so well), she would try and give us specific motivation for getting up on a particular day.  Wednesdays were "Over the Hump Day."  We were 1/2 way through the week.  We could soon sleep in during the weekend (except somehow it was never difficult to get up early for cartoons on Saturday).

Yesterday marked "Over the Hump Day" for this pregnancy!  Baby Girl Leach turned minus five months.  (I figure if she's zero when she's born, she would be in negative numbers now.  I keep trying to explain this to her.  It's never too early to learn about integers, I always say.) :-) In some ways it feels like, "I can't believe that I'm already 5 months pregnant!"  And, in a lot of ways it feels like, "I can't believe that I'm only 5 months pregnant!"  

Regardless, I'm really trying to enjoy this season for what it's worth instead of just wanting it to be over.  I certainly have my moments (and the more people bless me with Little Girl clothes the more I want her to be here right now!) but I really do appreciate this season that Brad and I have to pray for our little girl, dream about her, and prepare for the special day when she will join us.  

AND . . . for those of you back in Pittsburgh who have been asking for pictures of the tummy, I finally broke down and took some.  Looks like it was a literal "Over the Hump Day" as well. :-)


Anonymous said...

ok, this has nothing to do with your post...but I heard that public schools had a two hour delay this morning because the Steelers won! I figured you could work that into a blog at somepoint...You gotta love them STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Annie said...

Leah, now i'm confused with your integer lesson to your daughter. If she is negative 5 months old right now and working her way toward zero, how are you five months pregnant? Shouldn't you be either 4 months pregnant and she's negative 5 months or you're 5 months pregnant and she's negative 4? =)

But i'm very excited you're going to be a new mom! I got to hold an 8-day old little girl during the super bowl and it gave me new wonder about the incredible miracle that God does bringing a child into the world. You and Brad are very blessed!

Anonymous said...

Yes friend!! Keep them coming!!! I love it. You are so tiny, I was hoping for a big fat baby belly! I guess I have to wait a few months for that one. Thank you so much for sharing her with us and for sharing photos of you with us. It is so great to see you and the joy in your face. It makes me miss you more than I could imagine!