Friday, January 9, 2009

Good Things Come in Small Packages

Brad sent me this video in an e-mail a few weeks ago and I continue to think it is one of the most astounding things I've ever seen.  I can't imagine what kind of mind, patience, and personality that you have to be able to pursue this line of art as your life's work.  I still chuckle just about every time I hear him talk about Alice in Wonderland.

As astounded as I am thinking about a Charlie Chaplain sculpture on the end of an eyelash, however, I have found myself even more astounded recently learning about the life and growth of little Boppli. 

Today is Friday and every Friday I receive an e-mail from and they tell me what is happening with our little baby and how big Boppli is each week.  Last week, (Boppli's minus 6 month birthday (calculating back from age zero when the baby is born)) Boppli was the size of an avocado and was growing toenails (which ordinarily I would find repulsive, but I can't help but think they're kind of cute).  I'm still waiting on what week 17 will bring.

It's interesting to me to read each week that the baby is growing lungs or fingers or kidneys and yes even toenails, but somehow, my head pictures it all happening like it looks on a newborn baby, when they are 7-9 pounds and a good 18-20 inches long.  When I stop and realize all this is happening when the baby is the size of a shrimp or olive or even a little poppyseed (way back at the beginning), I have an entirely new appreciation for the greatest Artist I have ever known.  God's creativity and genius is simply beyond comprehension and I find myself "pondering all these things in my heart" even more often now.

I thank God for this little masterpiece that He has taken the time to uniquely create and pray that somehow the awe of it all remains even when "new normal" has become "normal."  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was absolutely, incredibly amazing. And it is very rare that I get Carl to look at anything on the computer. But, he could not believe this man and what he does!