Friday, January 16, 2009


I love my new home.  Really.  Detroit is a great place and I have enjoyed getting acquainted with my new city.  But there are a few moments when I find myself longing for some time in my city of old, and this is definitely one of those seasons.

I confess that when I was living in Pittsburgh, even I could get weary of the constant Steelers-mania that would pervade every aspect of life.  It would take a few weeks, but even I realized that it was a sickness at a certain point.

But living here, would you believe that when they have their news broadcasts, that they don't take 17  out of 26 minutes to talk about the Steelers?!? They talk about things like Auto Shows and Presidential Inaugurations and other incidental world events that may be happening around the Steeler play-off.  They never even mention stories like this one about Pittsburgh's Mayor, Luke Ravenstahl, which really captures the full sickness of Steelers mania in one brilliant story.

I suppose it's healthy to recognize that there's more important things in the world than Steeler football, but it would be nice to indulge in the sickness just a little bit more. :-)

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