Saturday, June 30, 2007

I Am Noggin

So you might remember a post from a few weeks ago when I related the story of my fine, feathered friend affectionately named . . . Noggin. In case you were still curious, I thought you'd like to know that Noggin is still going strong . . . every day . . . over and over and over again against my window. I really don't even notice him much anymore until I see the pained look on the faces of visitors to my office for the first time watching the ornithological masochist bash himself on my glass. I introduce them to Noggin and then usually do pause to realize that it is quite remarkable that this bird has been at this since May 2006.

Maybe what's even more remarkable is that in many ways my "Nogginyness" continues. I continually find ways to forget what God has done in the past or worry about how I will get things done or live as if I am in control of my life and in each case, I'm only hurting myself when I do this. I've mentioned during these past several posts that we have our Vacation Bible School coming up a week from Monday (July 9-13). Even though I can clearly know that it was God who brought this together in the past and it will be God who will equip me and the other leaders to accomplish His good work, I still struggle with keeping that perspective on things. I get so caught up in trying to get everything done and I place so much pressure on myself that I let my life get out of balance, not taking time to rest, to do things I enjoy doing (like blogging . . . obviously), or simply being quiet to pray.

Maybe each time I hear the little "tap, tap, tap" (or painfully loud crash) on my window, I'll actually take notice of it again, remembering that "I am Noggin." It'll hopefully move me one step closer to flying on to a new way of living.

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