Friday, December 15, 2006

Pat on the Back

So I was reading the last few chapters in the book of Acts this morning, and for whatever reason I read it with a new set of eyes, like I never heard the story before. It's really quite an amazing story, one that makes you think, "No WAY, could all this have happened!" Narrowly escaping death several times, meeting with some of the most powerful people of the age, suffering from torture and disappointment . . . and that's all just in one chapter! Incredible, truly.

The part that really stuck out to me, however, was one little part in ch. 28. Paul had finally landed in Rome after a series of most unfortunate events that God turned into most fortunate blessings, and verse 15 says that a group of guys, fellow brothers in Christ heard that Paul landed and they traveled this long distance to meet them. It says, "At the sight of these men Paul thanked God and was encouraged."

Paul was encouraged by these men. It struck me because I never think of Paul needing encouragement. I mean, he's Paul. He wrote almost all of the New Testament, practically started the Christian church as we know it, and would be tortured time after time and talk about joy and singing afterwards. If there's anyone that's strong and rock solid it's Paul. So why would he need encouragement?

I guess that that's exactly why Paul needed encouragement. God knew that even a man like Paul needed people around him to speak Truth to Him, to care for him, and just be his friend, to just see him as Paul, not the famous rock that was traveling the known world tirelessly preaching the Good News.

It made me think of the "Pauls" that I know . . . pastors, leaders, my parents, people that I look to as Rocks, solid people that are unshakable in their faith and service and care. It occurred to me that they're people just like Paul and me and everyone else who needs that encouragement from time to time. I am so blessed when someone sends a word of encouragement my way and I pray that God would continually remind me to share that with ALL those He places around me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a very similar revelation today, which God just confirmed in me through you! As a first grade teacher, I am constantly reminding my kiddos to be kind and encouraging to one another. We often go over examples of ways we can be a blessing to others around us. My revelation came as we were sitting in our weekly chapel service. While my attention should have been focused on what was going on around me, my heart was being prodded. I realized that the very thing I am trying to teach my students, is an area in my life that needs some work! Sometimes the leaders around us may need big displays of encouragement, but more than likely, a heartfelt thanks, a prayer, a smile, a verse, can all be the encouragement we often think of giving, but neglect to do. Thank you for sharing, Leah!