Friday, December 22, 2006

I Can See Clearly Now . . .

I had my yearly eye appointment a few days ago. I had been noticing over these past few months that my contacts weren't working as well as they had been, getting pretty blurry after a few days wearing them. So, I wasn't really surprised when my eye doctor told me that my prescription had dramatically changed, even though it's been the same for the past six years. I was surprised, however, when he told me that it had dramatically changed for the better. I was seeing better than 20/20 by decreasing my prescription by nearly 40%. He said that by wearing the stronger contacts, my eyes were actually having to work harder to focus, making it just as bad as if my prescription wasn't strong enough. When I left with my sample contacts in with my new prescription, I felt like I was looking at a new world. Leaves on the trees, blades on the grass, details that had previously been just one colored blur. I didn't realize how poor my eye sight had become until I had the opportunity to look through a pair of corrected lenses.

"How often does that happen?!?" I wondered as I left. What actually gets better as time goes by? And I realized that it doesn't, at least not outside of the hand of our Father who is constantly in the business of restoring and redeeming the broken and rundown. The moment we choose to allow Him to lead our lives, we have a new nature, a new way to learn how to think, speak, see (2 Cor. 5:17). And yet, sometimes, I choose to revert back to the old ways, back to the glasses that make me work harder to focus, to really see things the way they are. Praise God that He continually extends the grace, and new lenses, to see things as we were meant to see.

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