Monday, December 11, 2006

Mysteries of Life

All right, so there's been an ongoing debate in my family for the past several years and I felt the need to see if somone in the blogosphere could help to provide some insight.
Everyone loves the Christmas classic, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, right? And who doesn't just have a soft-spot for all those misfit toys on the creatively named, Island of Misfit Toys. You have the polka dot elephant, the train with the square wheels, the plane that's a boat . . . clearly misfits. But what is the deal with that "Dolly for Sue" (the kind that will even say, "How do you do?")?!? As you can see from the picture, she seems perfectly normal. Why is she a misfit?
Any insight someone can provide to one of these greater life's mysteries is most welcome.


jennifer joy staab said...

hi leah! I can't believe you've been holdiing out on me... even if its a few weeks. SHEESH. welcome. and, btw, you make me happy. let's talk soon.

Anonymous said...

I think Dolly had some hidden emotional dysfunctions.

Anonymous said...

I heard that Dolly had a foot fettish.

Anonymous said...

As far as Misfit Girl doll goes, Wikipedia and other sources says her problem is psychological. The fact of the matter is, she is barely mentioned in the original scripts. The author describes the important characters in great detail and the Misfit Girl doll wasn’t even in the original draft at all. Charlie is the only Misfit with lines, even in the revised script. The Spotted Elephant and The Misfit Girl doll got a few extra lines in 1965 at the end when the return to the Island of Misfit Toys was added in due to public response. She became a more important character in the second broadcast, but was not fully developed in the script, hence the mystery. I am not an expert, but this is what major research has revealed!?! :-)

Anonymous said...

I think that her name means 'wild cow' in Tagalog (Dah li).

Anonymous said...

It's simple, she wanted to be an astronaut when all the other girls wanted to be teachers and mommies...;)

Anonymous said...

If you watch the movie it shows but never says. She is suppose to be one of those dolls that you can put water in and it will wet its diaper. Problem for her was "she can't hold her liquid"

Anonymous said...

she cries upside down tears.