Monday, May 14, 2007


I mentioned in an earlier post that I was at a conference early last week and then took a few days of vacation to finish off the rest of the week. One thing I've learned through previous vacations is that I must plan on leaving a day at the end for re-entry. Every time I'm really tempted to stay in "vacation land" to the last minute, sucking up every last drop of no-responsibility bliss, and then on my first day back in the "real world" I feel as if I've just been hit with a 20-ton truck. So today, on my last day of vacation, I'm taking some time to wean myself back into real world land.

The conference was great. Lots of great speakers that were really challenging to both my ministry and personal growth. Francis Chan was especially one that got me thinking and chewing on a lot of new insights that God's been stirring up. Often I feel as if I leave a conference with more questions than I had coming in. I enjoyed the time with my team and pray that God would continue to grow the fruits of wisdom that He wants to nurture in the days ahead.

The technology fast was pretty healthy, too. Ok, so it wasn't a total technology fast, as I had my phone (which I either wisely or stupidly choose to receive e-mail on), but for the most part, I took a break from the Internet, and responding to the e-mails/voice mails that never seem to end. I love technology and all the different ways we have to communicate today, but I also think it's really healthy to step away from it every once in a while, too.

That being said, I must now finally go through that lovely Inbox, and rejoin the adventure where God has me right now.

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