Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Irony of Change

This upcoming Sunday will mark our third Sunday in our new location at Southfield-Lathrup High School.  Brad posted some great pictures and updates of all the preparation & set-up, and first service.  Check it out if you'd like.  It's been a wonderful experience and I've been so proud of our teams, church family, and my husband, of course. :-)

Going through the preparation for the transition over these past few months has caused me to do some reflection about change.  I realized what I think is one of the most ironic parts of the seasons of change in our lives.  

Change is one of the most constant things in our world.  If there's one thing we can always count on, it's that things will change.  Our world was created to support it as evidenced by the four seasons and growth of all living things.  I would even venture to say that if a person thought about it rationally, they would never advocate that things always stay the same.  It wouldn't be a healthy or desirable option no matter how good things may seem at the present. 

And yet, knowing these elements of change doesn't seem to alter the fact that change always seems to take us by surprise.  We know in our heads that things will change, and yet when it does, our hearts can tend to fight against it wondering, "Why now?"

I consider myself to be a person that actually likes change, but even I have found in the midst of city changes, job changes, family changes, church changes, and friend changes, that there is part of me that longs for the perceived security and constancy of the way things were.  My prayer is that in the midst of our life changes that we would focus on that which cannot change (Mal. 3.6) and that He would give us wisdom and discernment as He orchestrates changes as He best sees fit (Dan. 2.21). 

1 comment:

Bruce said...

Well said, Belle! We can endure (even embrace) transitory change only when we are ensured of He who will never change. God's character never changes.... His methods constantly change. Enjoy the journey of change!