Monday, June 22, 2009

Still Pregnant . . .

About a month ago, I felt slightly overwhelmed with all that had to be done before Baby Girl came.  There were several major projects that needed to be completed before "the nest" was ready.  In the weeks since, however, thanks to the help of our family, friends, and wonderful husband, the nest is ready, and I've been working on just about anything and everything that I can think of to get all the "finishing touches" together.

I've run out of things to do.  Just playing the waiting game now.

And when it comes to the waiting game, well, it's not really a game I like to play so much.  During these last few days, however, there have been several times when I've been reminded of some truths in waiting seasons.

One is that I think it's so important to try and stay focused on something other than what I'm waiting for.  I say this because I've realized how easy it can be to get so self-centered on my situation, and when this happens, it's really easy to get not only impatient, but irrational.  The thought has actually occurred to me, "What if she never comes out?!?"  Clearly my brain knows this isn't possible, but when I'm focused on me, it's easy to lose sight of the reality of my situation.

When I take my eyes off of me and look around, I see how much I have for which to be thankful.  My fat feet and hands don't seem like such a big deal when I see people with much bigger needs and health problems, and I remember that pregnancy and this baby are gifts, ones that a lot of people would love to have and haven't been able to experience.  It is quite humbling.

This isn't the first time that I've been in a waiting season, and I know it certainly won't be the last.  I really do want to get better at this and am asking God for the grace to trust His timing and plans, knowing that they are far better than I could imagine.  All the days in my baby's book have been written before one of them came to be (Ps. 139).  I am so thankful that my Father is writing the book and can't wait to read the next chapter.


Anonymous said...

I was reading Psalms 139 just the other day and it blessed me t know that God was planning His blessings to us even before we were born.

Alex Cedo

Netta said...

Love you & we're praying! SO happy for you guys! :)

Unknown said...

By the way I love the picture you put in this post, it's so sweet and beautiful....I'm guessing it's you and Brad? :)

Now I know what makes a baby come when you want it to...just blog about "still being pregnant" and then soon after the baby will come! Thanks for future reference:P