Friday, June 19, 2009

The Pumpkin

Well, it finally arrived today.  My Baby Center e-mail that announced that my baby is now the size of a small pumpkin.  I'm not sure if I should be encouraged by the thought that it is a "small" pumpkin.  I've been to pumpkin patches and in my opinion, thinking of any size pumpkin coming out of my body sounds like quite a job.  I guess that's why they call it labor.  Tomorrow (June 20) is Gabriella's actual due date.  I don't think I want to know what fruit comes after a "small pumpkin" should she want to delay her birthday.

I'm including my official 10 month photo.  The shirt has been stretched to the extreme.  I look back at the 5 month photo when I had to stand sideways to see the "HUGE" bump that I had at that time.  It's definitely a pretty good chuckle.  A few other thoughts for this final stretch:
  • Brad's already such an amazing Daddy.  He's got the car packed, nursery ready, and talks to Gabby regularly telling her to kick and punch that water all around her so that he can meet her soon.  What a gift he is to us both.  18 months ago today we were married.  It's hard to believe all that God has done in such a short amount of time.
  • This week we enjoyed, "Celebrate the Week of TWWBATDIA" (Things We Won't Be Able To Do In Awhile).  I posted it on Facebook and got quite a flurry of recommendations on how to participate.  It was funny to see my friends who haven't had kids telling me to go out, stay up all night, etc. and those who have almost unanimously said, "Sleep!"  We've been doing a mix of both.
  • I was watching a show called "Amazing Births" today on Discovery Health (what I call "The Trainwreck Channel") at the the gym.  One of the stories started out with the line, "Some women dream of the opportunity to have their babies in water with the aid of dolphins."  Ummmmm . . . I have no response to that.  
We'll be updating as best as we can in the upcoming days.  Brad will probably be better than I on his blog, Facebook, or Twitter.  Thanks for all your prayers and encouragement!


The Hedden Family said...

You need to change the first line of this post. I read it and thought, "Why is she calling Gabby 'it' and why does she sound so un-excited???"

June said...

That you for posting. That was beautiful I loved it.

Nancy from APC said...

May God Bless you always Leah I love reading your posts. I am praying for a smooth and fast delivery. Gabby is so blessed to have you and Brad for parents, and you need to seriously write a book using all your blogs from when you met Brad, your engagement,marriage, pregnancy.. and I am 100% sure you parenting is gonna be just as fun.You two will be great parents.
I love reading this all..........its like a storybook life, Thank you for all your posts