Friday, April 3, 2009

7 Months (and 1 Week)

I tried posting this last week, but when I went to publish it, it disappeared. :-(

Last Friday marked 28 weeks.  That's 7 months and an official jump to the 3rd Trimester.  Yay! 

I'm posting a new picture (in the same outfit for comparison) and you can see that our little girl is definitely growing bigger.  In fact, last week, my e-mail said that she was the size of a Chinese Cabbage.  It's been kinda fun seeing what fruit/vegetable my baby is each week.  Brad is simply astonished that fruit and vegetables have nationalities (Chinese cabbage, English cucumber, etc.).

It's hard for me to compare, but I have to say that this little baby is pretty active.  It continually astounds me to see my stomach moving like a bubbling volcano.  I'm really trying to be intentional about "enjoying the ride" of pregnancy, not just wanting it to be over (although I'm getting more and more anxious to actually hold her in my arms).  Overall, it's been a really great pregnancy and God has blessed both of us with good health, and a great husband/daddy who supports and cares for us.  

Thanks for all your continued prayers!  We appreciate them more than you know.


Anonymous said...

You have no idea how much I enjoy these pictures! I have to be honest and say that you do not look 7 months pregnant, you look smaller. Maybe it is because it is a photo and not real life, but you look little to me.

I miss you so much and want you to know you look absolutely amazing as a mommy! I can't wait to see you! Tell Bella I love her!

TN Bakers said...

Aw you look great!!! The fact that you can still WEAR the same shirt at 7 months that you had on at 12 weeks or whatever is amazing in and of itself!!! I loved the recent post, too, about how Gabriella responds to Brad's voice - that is so sweet. I can't wait to meet her!