Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Oh My-pod!

As I was driving in the car the other day, listening to my iPod, I was reflecting on how much I love my little Nano. I got him for my birthday last year, signed up for iTunes, and named my little blue friend, Svenn. While I love the shuffle feature and the surprise of music each time a new song comes on, I have to say that my most favorite part of my iPod are podcasts. The most ironic part of my iPod is that I call it, "the gift I never knew I wanted." While I enjoy music, I can't say that I'm a passionate music fanatic, so when I was thinking of birthday gifts last year, I was thinking more clothes than iPods. My mom knew me better, though, and introduced Svenn into my life and I'm not sure how I could get along w/out him now.

I can think of several other things in my life that would go in that same iPod category, things way more significant than actual material gifts. My job and some great friendships are just some of the surprises that God's brought along my way, things that I never knew I wanted and yet are far greater than I could have ever asked. Thank God for all the "iPods" in my life and that He knows me far better than I know myself.

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