Friday, September 19, 2008

Arrrrr you ready?!?

For a few years now, this is one of my most favorite websites.  I'm not sure how I even found it the first time, but it is a priceless gem in providing actual authenticated holidays that most people don't know they should be celebrating.

And today is definitely in my Top 5 Favorite Holidays . . . Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Really, it's so much fun.  If you've never tried, you must.  I'll get you started.

What is a Pirate's favorite state in the U. S.?

ARRRRRRRkansas. (You know you chuckled.)

What is a Pirate's favorite piece of furniture?

An ARRRRRRRmoire! 

What is a Pirate's favorite Andrew Lloyd Webber song?

Don't Cry for Me ARRRRRRRRgentina!

I know, I could do this all day.  And in fact . . . I will!!! :-)

It would make Johnny Depp so proud.  And speaking of Pirate movies, you should really make a date night and go out and see the new Pirate movie coming out.  You'll want to leave the kids at home, however, because it is rated . . . ARRRRRRRRR!  (I think that one is my favorite.)

One last thing for those of you married females who are still reading . . . note on the website that TOMORROW is Wife Appreciation Day.  Don't miss out on celebrating that one. :-)

And, if you would like a spiritual connection to my Piratical Celebration (okay, maybe it's just celebration in general), Brad gave a really great message about celebration this last Sunday when COTK turned 7!  Check it out here if you like.


Mary Beth said...

I bet you and your father in law get along famously.... have you told him those jokes yet???

Susie said...

I love how you think that the only thing pirates say is "ARRR." You must at least pepper in a few mateys every now and then. I'm just glad it's not Dress Like a Pirate Day because my best eye patch and white ruffled shirt are at the cleaners. Oh, bother.

Anonymous said...

you crack me up, Leah.