Saturday, March 24, 2007

Wedding Bells!

I know I'm supposed to be writing a research paper, but I just had to take a break to blog my excitement over my cousin's recent engagement! My cousin Dana called this morning and shared her story of how she got engaged yesterday . . . in the White House Library . . . with the candlestick. (Sorry. Couldn't resist the Clue reference.)

Anyway, Dana is a White House staffer and met her fiance, Tom, at the event that she coordinated at the White House for Greek Independence Day last year. He used the same occasion this year to propose and then surprised her w/ all their family pouring out of the adjacent bathroom after she said, "Yes!" (Then she had to go finish working for the event. What a girl . . .) Actually, in order to carry out the proposal in this way, they had to get permission from Dana's boss (which would be the President) and Tom's boss (which would be Nancy Pelosi). The First Lady blessed the occasion by picking the most beautiful room and the flowers. Real typical, huh? :-)

You can see the picture of their engagement taken by a White House photographer who was hiding in the room, and the event was also sent out as a press release yesterday to the news bureaus (they're in today's Style section of the Washington Post). Congrats Dana and Tom! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ELLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I was just introduced to your blog. Bonnie told me about Dana's engagement...looking at these pics makes me realize... I am sooooooooo old. I had Dana in preschool, she was such a little mouse and not ready for the big world yet... and now she is a most beautiful woman with such a big world job!! Congratulate her for me if you ever think of it.