Friday, June 13, 2008

They're Grrrrrrrreat!

Can you guess the team for the day?

Frosted Flakes.  Tony the TIGER.  Yeah, little bit of a reach.  Trying to take up space here . . .

Well clearly the best thing about the Tigers is their manager, Jim Leyland.  Jim was a part of the Pirates' glory days in the early 90s (I still hate the Atlanta Braves) and I've always had a fond place in my heart for him.

The Tigers have been struggling this year living up to their expectations, but they have great raw talent on their team.

Have I mentioned how much I love their team colors?

I'm really happy about the fact that the Tigers aren't the Atlanta Braves.

Yeah, now I'm really reaching.

I've really wanted to go to a Tigers game for the last year and a half.  Maybe then I could identify a little better with the team?  In the meantime, go Jim Leyland.  I think you're grrrrrrreat!

1 comment:

christylynne said...

I've got tickets with your name on 'em!!